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Released Hacks

Here is a list of all of the hacks that I have created and posted available for download.  Click on a title to find out more information regarding that particular hack.  The hacks have been designated and listed under classes.  This is meant to help players locate the types of hacks they are seeking more easily.



These are hacks where the graphics in the game have been drawn to resemble Atari graphics.  Think of these as "throwback" hacks.



These are small hacks, usually just graphical, that are meant to be played for a short period of time or for just a laugh.

Difficulty Decrease


These are the hacks in the Simplified series.  The purpose of these hacks is to make incredibly difficult games more accessable to players.

Difficulty Increase


These are hacks in the Reved Up!! series.  These are hacks to make games more challenging, but not to the point they are impossible

Level Hack


These are hacks where the levels have been redesigned to make a game feel like a new experience that resembles the original game.

Game Fix


These are hacks that fix a specific element within a game to provide a better experience.



These are hacks where the majority of the game has been changed to create something that is meant to appear as close to a whole new experience as possible.  This includes graphics, levels, and sound.

Holiday Themed


These are simple hacks that has  elements changed to follow the theme of a specific holiday.

Holiday Themed


Level Hack

Game Fixes



Difficulty Decrease

Difficulty Increase

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Last Updated: 8:01 PM Eastern Time 1/22/2014

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